Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back to Uni Adventures!

Wednesday July 16th, 2014

I got up and headed to the gym with Azra and Chris. Then I got some more work done on my vet school applications and got more things organised for my classes. I didn't have class until 3 so it was perfect for getting through more of my application. I got a surprising break in the morning to see the new plover chicks!

After taking some photos and watching them for awhile. A group of us headed to the free lunch. We sat around and talked for awhile before we headed our separate ways for class and homework. I worked on my application more up until class. I really like the classes I am taking so far. I like my lecturers and the the material this trimester is going to be a bit more challenging. 

After class I talked to Lianna for awhile before Resi Basketball. 

Photos by Azra....

The Orange team is undefeated for basketball!! Chris ("tall Chris") was a major help. Standing at  6'8" nobody could really stop him. I helped on defence! There was free pizza at Nras after, so we enjoyed that and talking to all the Aussies. To finish off the evening a few of us went to a Fishcare meeting to hear a presentation about carp and learn about the upcoming events. I was pretty sleepy afterwards and headed straight for bed.

Thursday July 17th, 2014

Thursdays are again my most dreaded day of the week. I have class 9-4 with a short break at lunchtime. I didn't sleep well so I had coffee to wake me up for my first few classes. I should have had some more before my afternoon classes. They were all very interesting but two hour lectures are very hard to sit through back to back to back. After all the class, I came back to my house and started working on a quiz with some of my classmates. It was extremely frustrating, but we started to figure out some of it. We had 40 procedure directions that we had to put in the right order. We took a break for dinner and relaxed. Lauren also made Emily's birthday cake. It was kind of a rough time for her, but we all laughed so hard we cried. The cake was a house effort and made with so much love! Then it was time to hit up downtown. It was uni night! As soon as we got in the Sean. I spotted a guy wearing a Wisconsin Badgers sweatshirt. I didn't have the courage to ask him if he was from Wisconsin but one of my friends did. He was! He was from Green Bay and was in Warrnambool because the company he worked for in Green Bay just bought out a company here. How crazy is that! I talked to him and his co-workers for some time about the area and why there were all these Americans around. Then I finally headed to the dance floor with my uni friends and enjoyed an evening out.

Friday July 18th, 2014

Ben and I were on whale watching duty, but we brought along some help...





We didn't see any whales, but we did see a seal! The ocean was rough and the wind was cold, but nothing beats seeing the ocean first thing in the morning!

Ben was kind enough to take us to Tower Hill for a morning hike.

Mum and her baby sleeping

So Cute!!!

 Superb Blue Wren


 Group pic!- Thanks Azra

After our hike we were hungry so we headed to Cheese World. We tried a bunch of cheeses and brought some home for lunch. Then it was nap time. I was super tired! We all got up around 4 and headed out to get supplies for Emily's birthday party. Before we started cooking we rearranged the living room and found this dead spider. That is Chris' hand... it was a big spider.

Eating all my cheese... lol

The birthday girl!

The cake

 May not be the prettiest but it was made with love and laughter!! I had to write emily for Lauren, but Chris made me laugh half way through so the l is a little funky.

This is why I love her! She is so silly!

 Let the birthday feast begin

A singing candle ^^^

We stayed up late playing games and laughing like there was no tomorrow. It was a fantastic night and a great birthday party!

Saturday July 19th, 2014

I was up fairly early and cleaning. I spent most of the day cleaning up the kitchen and the living room. I also did my laundry too. In the afternoon, I had practice for singing at church. It went really well even though the church was freezing.  And the weekly tradition continued. Ben and I went wine tasting afterwards. All of the Americans ended up coming too. Then it was time for my "weekly feed" at Ben's house. He made salmon, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. It was super good! And for dessert he made red velvet cake. His family and I sat around the kitchen table and talked for a long time before it was time to watch another Paul Hogan movie. Lightening Jack. I was super tired when I got home and headed straight to bed.

Sunday July 20th, 2014

Azra came to church too! We went early so I could warm my voice up a bit. I got roped into doing the readings for the service too. So I was very busy. Everyone enjoyed my accent and they are signing me up to do it again. After church we went out for hot chocolates. YUMMM! I got a my favourite flavour, Raspberry Chocolate.

 Me, Azra, and Bettina


This is my friend Ben... he is kinda weird, don't be alarmed ;)

We made a quick stop at Kmart afterwards to get gum boots. It has been raining a lot and Azra and I were heading to Sonia's farm in the evening and needed them. As soon as we got back to Uni Lauren asked if we wanted to go see Hopkins falls since it was such a beautiful day! Of course we all said yes. And then we were off.

 All of us!!!

It looked a lot different than when I first got here. The rains have come.

Our adventure didn't stop there. We headed to the Break Wall since the newbies hadn't been there yet.

A fisherman and just come in and there were some friends waiting for him.

Didn't your mom ever tell you to not play with your food.

Such beautiful animals!

She loved all the attention!

Big boy!

Flapping his flippers at Azra

look at those teeth

I was reaching towards the water taking pictures of her and she came up out of the water thinking my hand was a fish. I jumped back so fast. I was alright. I moved fast enough. She was disappointed I didn't have a fish though. 

Waiting for scraps

 The boys found crabs!

As soon as we got back. Lauren and I finished working on our quiz. We figured out a way to figure it out. It was a relief to get that done. Now I can focus on my reading and other assignments. For dinner Azra and I went over to Sonia's parents home. We got to see all the lambs first though!


Azra feeding Elsie 

 All gone

She is a spoiled lamb... she had a fat tummy

We had a wonderful dinner with Sonia and her family! It was fun to hear all her dad's stories afterwards too. They are such a great a loving family! 

When we got back to uni, I sat in the living room with Chris and Lauren. We were going through the pictures we had taken during the day. I eventually got too tried and headed to bed! 

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