Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Lunch at Timboon

July 6th, 2014

I had to get up before the sun to get ready for church. We had to get there early to practice for the communion songs. Pastor Mathew came up to me right away to wish me a Happy 4th of July. I just beamed and was excited he knew. The service went really well. At the end of the service Pastor said, "and for all you Americans Happy Thanksgiving." I started shaking my head and he said, "oh, I mean Happy 4th, one of those American holidays." It was a good laugh for me since I was the only American there. After the service we stayed and talked awhile before picking up Beck and Azra for lunch in Timboon. Beck and I giggled the whole way to Timboon. Lunch was delicious and the company was superb. I ate slower so that Beck and everyone else could finish eating before me. Dessert was great!

Macadamia nut cookie sandwich with raspberry ice cream and fudge drizzled on top. 


Tasting time!

Beck Hiding from the camera

We all enjoyed the tasting, especially the chocolate and coffee ones! With our tummies super full we made our way back to Warrnambool. Azra and I got ready to go into town as soon as we got back to uni. Some of the other Americans came too. We explored Warrnambool on the quiet and raining Sunday afternoon. Ashlee  had made dinner for us all by the time we got back. BLTS! It was great! We all decided to watch a movie together. I of course made the popcorn!

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