Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Weekend Before School

March 9, 2014

The weekend began with a very gloomy Friday. It was cloudy and misting all day so none of us really wanted to do a lot outside. Many people were recovering from the late night toga party, so it turned into a very lazy day. I hung out with people in Kitchens (our dorm) for the afternoon. For dinner we decided to have an adventure and get Pinky's Pizza. 

 Barbecue Pizza 

Garlic and Cheese

Both were very good. Afterwards, I wondered over to Sherwood to watch the new Riddick movie and the introduced everyone to Sherlock! It was nice to have a lazy day

Saturday was bright and warm. The Wisconsin Americans went into town to have a BBQ early in the afternoon. We were all bored and looking for something to do. I brought Nick along too. He is one of the new housemates in our unit. Most of our housemates went home for the weekend so I figured I would introduce him to the Wisconsin family. He ended up making us kangaroo stake to try. I still haven't decided if I like it a lot. Here are some pictures from our afternoon.

 Chris and Meng demonstrating our pitching game (get the tennis ball through the hole in the board). Not trying to brag but I got it in before they did ;)

Lianna hitting the volleyball around.

 Ryan, Sean, and Holly enjoying a little chat.

Introducing water pong to our Aussie friend Nick

 Me being clever and using fishing line to string up the ukulele and attempting to tune it.

After we got back to uni we all went our separate ways. Nick however invited me to go to the Port Fairy Folk Festival with him and his family. 

His dad came and picked us up and on the way there I saw some more kangaroos. Nick's family was so kind and fed me when we got there. And being in Australia the meal comes with a beer. Then we went to go see a couple free shows. Nick and his family have been coming to Port Fairy almost every year for this festival so they gave me a crash course on all the activities and musicians that come. The first artist we saw was...

 Damian Howard

Nick's mom told me that the artist always tell some pretty funny stories and she was right. One of the stories he told was about when he brought his wife to the US. She was so excited to go to Walmart. Nick's family looked at me and I just shook my head and laughed. I guess after living in Australia and seeing the prices of things, Walmart is amazing.
The next artist we saw was Tom Richardson. He is from Warrnambool and huge with the teenagers here. He also attracts a pretty hippy crowd too. It was like being taken back to 70s fashion when all the kids walked in. It was a really great show. I ended up buying a cd!

 Proving I was there ;)

Crowd Surfing

We left Port Fairy shortly after the show ended. When we got back I headed straight for bed. I was tired and I knew I had to get up early to catch the bus into town for church.

Sunday (Today)

This morning I got up and ready for church. I was recruited to sing with Jen and a couple of the other women at church, so I had to get there early to practice. Just like back home, uni is dead on Sunday morning. The bus driver was very nice and picked up that I was not from Australia very quickly. I wonder why? He asked me where my accent was from. He said he wants to take his wife to Canada and the northern part of the US so that she can see frozen water. They very rarely have any ice form here and when it does I guess it is a mini holiday for them. 
Town was also very quiet. It was beautiful morning though. It was already in the 70s by 10am. I got to church and we started practicing. Here is the first run through of Amazing Grace.

The service went really well and everyone loved our singing. They were even more excited to find out that I was staying until November. 

When I got back to Uni I ate quickly and met a friend down by the dock on campus. We sat and watched the birds and waited for his friends to get back from fishing. They were fishing on inflatable rafts. It was a sight to be seen. After we helped haul them to shore we all piled in the car and went down to the break wall to jump off to cool off. It was very very cold but refreshing. Thankfully the boys were patient and took me grocery shopping. I finally got some real food to make. The rest of the night was relaxing with my housemates and watching some more Sherlock. Overall, it was a great relaxing weekend before the start of classes. 

So for all of you wondering... yes I am going to school here. 

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