Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Little Mix of Everything

March 5, 2014

Today began with a trip into town. Evan has become go to guy. I am not completely comfortable going to town by myself since I am still learning where everything is, so Evan gladly comes and helps me out. The bus system is very easy here. It stops at Uni then takes us into the middle of town. My mission today was to get an Australian phone. It will make it easier for people on Uni to get ahold of my but as much as I am going down to the ocean I figured it would be good in case of emergencies. Afterwards, Evan and I walked around downtown and I finally got a good picture of...
 If you can't read it... "Direct Chemist Outlet" "Discount Chemist"

I just love the sign since Eric is a chemistry major

After a short time downtown we, of course, came back for the free food. It was just salads, but hey, it is free food. We also got roped into doing the Amazing Race on uni. It was a scavenger hunt around the campus plus an obstacle course at the end. Here are some of the pictures we had to take

 In front of the Security office

At the gym

 With our Chaplin 

At the golf course

 With Sharky our Deakin footie and netball mascot (hopefully I will be a Shark soon!)

The flower I drew blind-folded. It looks pretty good right? I also had to hit a golf ball (that didn't go as well), walk in one flipper, and catch a ball above my head 8 times.

Evan and I ended up taking 3rd overall. We just missed out on the prizes but we still had a lot of fun. Then we went to a job shop meeting. The woman running the meeting gave us pointers on looking for jobs around Warrnambool. She also gave me ideas of volunteer activities that I can do working with animals and put me in contact with someone who is working with a vet here. I am crossing my fingers and hoping I can some more hours with animals. 

Later in the afternoon, after figuring out my phone, we went to the rope swing up the river. It was basically a massive tree that people have built steps and boards off of to jump into the river. We put on our wetsuits because we weren't sure how cold it was going to be. It ended up being warm but we kept them on so if we smacked trying flips it wouldn't hurt so much.

 The Tree

The "platform" about level with my eyes was about 9m off the water

 Kettle taking the first swing

I ended up putting my camera in my bag to keep it safe, but Kettle had his go-pro on the whole time we were at the swing. I will eventually have to get some of the exclusive footage. 

The remainder of the afternoon was spent rushing around the stores trying to find a sheet for our toga party tomorrow. I also finally bought some popcorn! After the stores and dinner, a group of us got together and watched the Desolation of Smaug. I made popcorn for everyone on the stove! It was a fun night and watching the movie made everyone want to go to New Zealand even more!


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