Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dunes Day...

March 25, 2014


The morning was cool after the rain we had during the night. I decided it would be good for a run. These are the little guys I saw scattering the sidewalks.

The rest of the morning and early afternoon I hung out in my house until class. We had marine biology today and had a substitute lecturer. One thing that is different here is nobody talks in class to answer questions. Our lecturer asked a question about what ecological functions and waited for a response. I slightly nodded my head to response. Then he asked me to answer the question. I must have turned bright red before I answered. He was happy with what I said but I am now "that person" in class.
After working on our project after class, I headed back to the house and hung out with my housemates for most of the night. 

Then it was movie night with Lachie and his roommates. One of his roommate's, Michael, is a swimmer and crazy tall. His hips end just about at my shoulders. He was teasing me saying he would race me... yeah okay, he only has to take one stroke to get across the pool. He invited me to go to training in the morning, but I had no way of getting there. We may figure something out for Friday though. We started watching Summer Heights High. It is a very weird show. Then we watched the classic... Finding Nemo. It is so much funnier now that I live Australia! There is a lot of Australian cultural sayings that don't make sense until you have been here. It was a lot of fun!

Tuesday- Dunes Day

In the morning, Nick and I headed to the grocery store. I had an interesting find in the store...

Cotton candy in a container! I have never seen anything like that before.

After the store, it was time to go for an adventure since I didn't have class and it was beautiful. I headed over to Kettle's and convinced him we were doing something. He then made the decision he was going to take Evan, Eric, and me to the dune for some boogie boarding. We had to run to the store quick and get boogie boards. It is almost winter so they were on sale for $5! What a deal! Then we made the trek out there.

We had a long walk to the "Bowl" but we had a great surprise!

 An Echidna!

You can see him breathing! 

We heard him eating and moving around. Kettle said it was either a snake or Echidna... I was extremely happy when we saw a cute little spiky thing! He started burying himself when he saw us. They bury their head to protect it from getting bit and flatten themselves out so all their spikes are out.  I didn't get to see his cute little head but how cool is it that I saw a wild ECHIDNA!!

Then it was time for fun!

 The view from the top of the bowl

 My first try

 First try on my stomach... this is how baby penguins must feel! Not very graceful...

The third try is the charm!

 View from the board

When slid around for about an hour and were tired. It was hard work walking back up the hills. I had sand EVERYWHERE! When we headed back I saw another tiger snake. This time I heard it slithering through the leaves on the path ahead of us so luckily I stopped before I got too close. I still of course was a little freaked out. 

After I finally got all the sand off, I relaxed and hung out with my housemates. Later on in the evening, I headed down to Evan's house and hung out. One of his housemates plays guitar and I finally convinced to pull it out and play for us. He has a beautiful voice too! We sang a few songs. I didn't get any on video but hopefully soon we will do it again! 

It was an a full fun day!

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