March 29, 2014
The dreaded day of the week for me. After marine biodiversity in the morning, I began working on my GIS tutorial and assignment. It took me 5 hours. By the time I got home people had been coming around looking for me wondering where I was. They eventually found me and I ate some food and got ready to go out. It was graduation night for people from last semester so everyone was going downtown. It was a lot of fun to dance and hang out with friends after a long stressful day.
Caulerpa plexilis |
My first Friday class of the trimester was a lab practical on algae. I have to admit I have never been interested in algae but this lab changed that. I wish that the lab could have been broken up across a few days so that we could spend more time looking at the differences between the groups. Here are some photos from lab.
Caulerpa brownii |
Caulerpa papallo |
This one is pretty cool because it has a clear protective layer over the green part of the algae
Caulerpa scalpell |
Caulocystis uvifera |
Cladaphora capillari cell |
Codium astralicum |
Codium astralicum cells
These two species look very similar except for the cellular appearance.
Codium duthrea cells |
Codium duthrea cross section |
Codium duthrea |
Codium pomodides Sea Apple |
Hormosira banksii Neptune's Necklace |
The thing growing on Neptune's Necklace is an epiphyte, plant that grows on top of other plant. It is only found on Neptune's Necklace.
Notheia anomala
Peyssonnelianovae hollandiae |
Plocamium dilatatu |
One of the things we have to know about red algae in my class is how they reproduce. These are some photos of the reproductive structures we found in lab. The lecturers were very excited about finding these.
Red algae Female |
Essentially the red algae "babies" |
Some other random algae...
This one I identified!
Sargassum vestium |
Ulva australis |
Ulva astralis cells |
Phyllospora comosa |
Melanthalia obtusata |
The brown algae on the above on the left has a very holdfast (root). We call it an elephant's foot because it can get very large on older algae and looks very similar to... an elephant's foot.
Zostera muelleri Eel Grass |
Zostera muelleri stem cross section |
After lab, I started to feel the beginnings of a cold coming on. I ate and worked on homework for awhile before I took a nap. Then my housemates and I had a family night! We first went on a walk down by the river. Sam, Nick, and I were investigating the rocks that were recently uncovered. The mouth of the river recently opened to the ocean so the water level has dropped about a meter and a half. I found this little crab...
When we got back from our walk we played games and watched Friday Night Footy. I think I finally understand what is going on in this sport! Sam, Emily and Nick started by playing Upwords. By the end of the game the rules had changed to making up words and justifying them. Some of the words were Seppy (the crud from your eyes), Piong (it never was truly justified), and Quene (genes of a queen). Then we all played Uno and Monopoly deal before heading to bed.
Saturday (Today)
Nick and I got up early to head to the dive shop to get some things. We ended up having to run all over town to get his wetsuit and fishing license and my cold medicine and gloves. After an hour and a half we were ready to head down to the break wall and go snorkeling. Well, I snorkeled and he attempted to spear a fish.
A Lone Starfish
Nick looking professional
The live Abalone I found
Pretty cool!
You can actually collect abalone and eat them. Nick "reckoned" we could keep it and eat it, but I said "I don't want to kill it." So I went to put it back. I accidentally dropped it and when I went to dive down and get it, I watched it flip itself over. It was so COOL! It basically used half its body to wrap around its shell and flip over.
Some algae
Stingray! You can see the sediment and particles in the light beams.
Small fish and even more algae
After 2.5 hours of swimming around, my head and sinuses were telling me it was time to get out. Neither Nick or I were cold, thanks to our awesome wetsuits, but being sick is not conducive to swimming. So we got out and headed back to uni to clean up and get some food. Then we had a family outing to Kmart with some housemates. We all sat around for awhile to relax. Nick wanted to go fishing before dark so I tagged along for the view of the sunset and helped with the fishing.
My Backyard
Our sophisticated set up
Nick using kangaroo meat as bait...
By the time we got back to the house everyone was getting ready for bed. I headed back to my room to start working on my blog. Then... I heard knocking and screeching at the window in the living room. I walk out and see Emily standing on the stairs on the other side of the room looking out the window. I asked what was going on and she said someone was outside. I peaked around the corner and saw someone in all black wearing a mask (the one from V for Vendetta). I immediately jump back around the corner. Emily screams and asks if the door is locked. I run to lock the other door. And then look in my room. He is at my window and I scream. Then we get Nick. Nick comes out of his room to investigate. After a few minutes of him trying to scare the person in the mask. T (his name is complicated) takes the mask off and we all start laughing. It was the last thrill of the day before bed. Now I am hoping to sleep well tonight and sleep in. Tomorrow is going to be my "get better" day!