Sunday, May 4, 2014

Speed Planting?

May 4th, 2014

Yesterday was a very wet and gloomy day. In the morning, a group of us signed up to do "Speed Planting." What is speed planting you ask? Well, it is speed dating and planting trees combined. 

Don't worry I wore a red sticker, meaning I was just there to plant plants. Before we headed out we got together at one of the houses and debated on going. It had just started down pouring. We resorted to calling the coordinator and his response was "plants love water." So then we were off. 

We were the youngest people there, but we met a lot of great people from the community. We were also interviewed by a local newspaper journalist and got our picture taken. So I will be looking for the newspaper on Monday to see if we made it in!

We got a free lunch out of the deal too. By the time we got back to Uni we were cold and wet. I ended up curling up in bed and napping for an hour. Then I relaxed around the house until dinner time. Ben invited me over to dinner with his family. He made an AMAZING beef roast, while his mom and sister made veggies, and sauerkraut. We, of course, had excellent wines to go with the entire meal. It was delicious. For dessert we had Ben's special recipe of brownies that his mom and sister made. Needless to say, I ate a lot of food. Afterwards, Ben recruited me to sing a piece that he had written. He played guitar and I tried to figure it out. By the end we were starting to fit it together. Then he played some other church songs with his mom. His mom and I recorded one of the pieces I sang in church before. 

Then I convinced him to play his reel pipes. Killer, the cat, was not happy about that and ran away. I enjoyed it though.

Eventually, everyone was tired and Ben took me back to Uni. We all had to get up early for church.


Church was very good. I didn't sing this week, so I was able to relax through the service. Afterwards, I came back to uni and crawled into bed and relaxed the rest of the afternoon. I popped outside for a bit to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. The Aussies keep reminding me that we won't be seeing much of it for a few months. I ended up going out to eat at the local Mexican restaurant with a big group of my friends. I have to say I really miss the Mexican food back home! We laughed and told stories for a couple hours before heading back home to enjoy our last few hours of the weekend.

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