Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Crabby Few Days

May 10th, 2014

I have started to really look forward to Friday mornings because of our labs. This week was on the phylum Arthropoda. While we were waiting to take our quiz, Cal and I watched a crab that had been set in front of me. He was trying to pinch the bubbles that were coming for the aerator until this happened.

It could not flip itself over, so I came to its rescue... 3 times.

Hairy Stone Crab

 Mottled shore crab

Three-pronged spider crab

 Two-spined crab

Shrimp... not sure which species

Red-Spotted Shrimp

 Sea Spider

Diaptomus Copepod

 A cute larva

Live specimen

Digitate ispods

In the afternoon, I went to the Friday seminar and listened to a lecture on Australian orchids. Then I worked on homework for the remainder of the day. 


In the morning Nick and I headed to the gym before going to the Pavilion for brunch. It ended up being very beautiful out, so we ate outside. We watched all the people taking their swims in the harbour and people walking by on the beach. We didn't see the seal though. 

The ocean was incredibly flat, which means it is a perfect day for snorkelling. Nick had to do some homework but Lauren and I went. Unfortunately, my camera leaked so I wasn't able to take any pictures, while I was snorkelling. It was beautiful though. The halocline, where freshwater meets saltwater, had settled throughout Stingray bay because there was no surf. When we were looking through freshwater it was like having Petroleum jelly smeared on our goggles. Below it though, we saw so many fish. They seem to come out when there isn't any surf. Lauren and I swam around middle island exploring the drop offs and algae beds. The tide started coming in so that was our cue to head out. 

As soon as I got home, I started drying out my camera. It is dead. I have had it for almost fiver years and it has been on four continents so it had a pretty good run. So, I started looking for a new one. Luckily, Ben invited me over for dinner. I needed the distraction! When I arrived I was greeted by his brother's dogs. Animals are the best therapy! While Ben prepared dinner I talked to his family and played with the animals.

 (Luckily m iPod takes okay pictures) 
Killer the cat felt the most safe sitting on the rubbish bin container. Ava the pup just wanted to be friends... Killer wasn't in the mood.

Ben made an AWESOME dinner as usual. Then we watched the movie Ned Kelly. It was based on the true story that happened here in Australia. It was a good movie. Afterwards, we watched the tail end of a footy game before he brought me back to uni. 

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