Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Very Last Week of Classes!

Monday September 29th, 2014

It was the start of the very last week of classes and I didn't have class! I did, however, study all day. I had to prepare for two exams in my diversity of fishes class. By the middle of the afternoon I had had enough. I went out into the living room to talk to my housemates. I was walking on top of the couches and bouncing around. Chris and Lianna thought I was crazy. After the short break I went back to studying before dinner. Ben, Sonia, Alex, and I had a small group gathering at the Victoria Hotel. It was a good meal and I was happy to catch up with Sonia. After dinner, I went back home a studied a little bit more before bed.


My morning was taken up by reviewing for my online comparative animal physiology quiz. I took the quiz and then I edited and submitted the final assignment for the class. It was my very last undergraduate assignment!!! Even though I have more school ahead, I am excited to celebrate the end of my undergraduate career. My celebration was cut short when I got locked out of my room. I had to break into my room and retrieve my keys before heading to class. Five minutes before I walked out the door it started to downpour with rain. I saw the campus koala in the tree as I walked to class. She was fast asleep. I don't know how they do that. The tree branch was violently moving in the wind and she was just oblivious to the world. 

Class was very short, but luckily the rain had stopped. I stopped by to see the koala before heading back to my house. She was awake and hungry. I thought she was going to fall out of the tree with all the wind though. 

The rest of the evening I relaxed. We also goofed around in the house a bit before bed. We all needed the laughs after a long day of studying. I created the game "The Penguin Challenge." You had to walk the length of the hallway balance a basketball on your feet like a penguin holding an egg. This is the fun we have as marine biologists. And the lesson we learned from the game it is very hard being a penguin. 


In the morning, I talked to my family for awhile before starting to study again. I only had one class in the afternoon and it was a review for the exam. After class, I tried to take another online exam but there was a glitch with Clouddeakin so I wasn't able to take it. Anthony and Chris came over to study for the in class exam after dinner. We studied for awhile before the boys began to throw ping pong balls at Lauren and I. It was fun but eventually I went to bed. I got up to go to the restroom and found a pile of ping pong balls outside my room. Chris started laughing at me when I discovered them. Then the fire alarm went off. I walked into the kitchen thinking Lauren had burnt something (she was the only one in the kitchen, she is a very good cook). It wasn't her. So we left the building. It only took Deakin Security 10 minutes to respond and 20 minutes for the fire brigade to come. There was  a fire in one of the other Kitchens dorms but it was put out.

The real drama of the night was my friends becoming Facebook friends with my Grandma! They all love her comments on the things we put on Facebook. They had asked me if it was alright to friend request her earlier in the day. I said of course, and they were waiting all day to see who she would accept. And this is the result (towards the end of the video).

Grandma had sent them all messages. Anthony hadn't gotten his yet. They were all very excited to be my Grandma's friend!


THE LAST DAY OF UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES EVER!!!! I was very excited. I had only one class in the morning. Luckily, the online exam was working after class so I took that right away! Then I had lunch before heading to my final exam in Diversity of Fishes. I thought I did well on the exam. I was happy to be officially done with two out of my four classes. I had a two lecture after. When I got back to my house I was in the mood to celebrate and get junk food. Chris and I walked over to K3 and got Chris, Anthony, and Jacinta excited too. We all went to McDonalds (Macca's) to get junk food. It was delicious! 

Then I got back a relaxed before getting ready for a concert at the church. Robin Mann was passing through Warrnambool and was giving a concert. He is popular Christian singer/song writer. It was a very good concert. It really made me miss gospel choir. Afterwards, Ben took me back to uni. Azra was having a movie night at her house, so I went over and watched the movie "Bad Neighbors." It was funny. I was super tired by the end and headed for bed.


The morning began with whale watching. I wasn't very hopeful in being able to see them. Azra and Chris came along too. They usually don't appear on Fridays but I was wrong. It was a beautiful morning. Ben let me use his camera to take photos of the whales. When we first saw them they were a little over a kilometer away. I was watching the mother and baby through the binoculars. It was spectacular because a seal was playing with the calf while the mother was diving. The calf was doing body roles and the seal was jumping out of the water around it. I have never seen the seals go near the whales. Then the mother surface and a dolphin came to join the fun. The dolphin stayed with the mother and calf for a little while. It looked like they were all just playing together.  A "marine family" as Ben called it. 

 The dolphin playing with the whales and seal

Mum and babe

 Ben recording the data... thanks Ben

SHARK... just kidding. I caught the tail end of a tail slap by the baby (no pun intended) 

Hello world!

 Ya know... just surfing

The baby will play while mom is resting

We stayed and watched the whales for almost two hours. It was spectacular! We got back to uni just in time to watch the Packer game. Anthony had it streaming on his computer and hooked it up to the TV. The Packers were killing the Vikings and Eric called so I talked to him instead. After talking to him, I finished watching the game and then made lunch. We had to head out to the shops before Resi Ball. As soon as we got back I started to get ready. Resi Ball is the end of year dinner and dance to celebrate living on campus. It was so much fun!!!

Trying to get in the tree... not happening


Typical Family photo

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