Saturday October 4th, 2014
The sun woke me up in the morning. It was going to be a beautiful day outside. It was also going to be the warmest day we have had in a couple months. Anthony messaged everyone about going to the beach but I was the only one up to receive it. Eventually after everyone was up we organised ourselves to get to the beach. I invited Josh and Alex to come meet more of my friends. Josh picked me up and we got some fish and chips before meeting Alex at the beach. It was his first time at the beach in Warrnambool since he had moved here. Not long after the entire crew arrived (Bri, Jacinta, Jackie, Chris and Anthony). Emily came along too! We all threw around a football and got in the ocean. I also brought my boogie board for people to use.
Anthony set up his go pro to take photos over the period of time we were all the beach. It is neat to scroll through the photos.
There were a lot of dogs on the beach that came to visit us too. Chris was in heaven. They had fun playing with the other dogs on the beach. One of the dogs was a little too frisky for his own good though. Dog watching is even more entertaining than people watching on a beach.
Aiden and Lianna eventually made it to the beach too!
Chris made an AWESOME video of our day at the beach!
Before taking heading back to uni Josh and I got some ice cream at FrostBite. It was so good! I cleaned up and took a nap after I got back to uni. I needed it since we were celebrating Alex's birthday. We had some pizza, cake, and drinks before heading out to town. It was a super fun night with great friends!
My day began with brunch. Beck came and picked me up and we headed to brunch with the crew from the night before. We talked about all the funny things that happened the night before. It was another beautiful day outside. We ate at Figsellers. I had a wonderful pumpkin spice soup. Beck took me back to uni but we ended up talking in the car longer. When I got inside Chris and Jackie were watching TV. Josh had invited me to go to the beach with some of his friends so I asked if they could come too! It was perfect because his friends couldn't make it. The four of us and Louie, Beck's dog, headed to the beach to just relax in the sun. It was cooler than the day before but just as nice. We all tried to nap but Louie wanted to keep visiting all four of us.
Chris trying to get Louie in the water he was not having it.
As it got cooler, we decided it was time to go. We headed back to uni. Josh brought Louie inside to play with Lauren and the other girls that were working on homework. I got ready quick before Josh and I headed back to Beck's house. Josh was making Beck and I dinner! He made gnocchi carbanara. It was delicious. Then we watched How to Train your Dragon 2. It was super cute! Then after the movie Beck introduced me to all the Australian Christmas music. It was a very relaxing fun day!!
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