Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Too Cold for Me

June 10th, 2014

I woke up early this morning to be ready to go SCUBA diving. Kettle and his friend had talked about diving today and had invited me to go. I texted him right away because I knew the tides were going to be a factor. He responded with an "I don't know what time." I decided to just catch up with friends while I waited. Katie left today too, so all of us housemates got together to send her off. 
12:30 rolled around and I was still not doing anything so I headed to the gym with Nick. I finally got the text "just woke up... tide is going out, no diving." I was pretty disappointed, but Kettle and Jake were heading to the rope swing so I tagged along.
It was very sunny today, but still a little chilly. The water on the other hand, was ice cold! I jumped in once and I was done. I even had a wetsuit on, but that did not help at all. I opted to just take pictures and enjoy the outdoors and sunshine. I got some cool shots of the boys though!

<--- the 'real' dropbears!


Next we headed to the surf beach to see if there were good waves for body surfing...

Great waves right!? This my friends is the definition of flat... 

So we were off to the break wall to jump in.

 Warming up for the perfect jump

Jake's face after surfacing confirmed that I would not be getting in the water... too cold for me.

Walking back to the car I noticed the seals had disappeared. There were some men that had just gotten back from tuna fishing and were cleaning their fish by the boat ramp. I convinced the guys to walk over to see if the seals were close to the pier. And they were! They were eating the fish parts the fishermen didn't want.

 The water was so clear today... I could see close to 10 meters deep

Attack of the sea gull sequence... trying to steal the seals food 

smaller female

 big male

"Didn't your mom ever teach you to not play with your food"


Coming up for a breath sequence....

I never knew that seals flipped over on their backs to surface and breathe. Every sequence of photos I got the seal exhaled on its back and flipped over to dive back down again.  It was something I never saw before until I got photos of it. 

 Saying goodbye

After I got back to uni, I got ready for my practice with Sonia. We are playing oboe and flute for a community event on Saturday. We picked out a few songs to practice and play on Saturday. It is fun to play again. Even after not practicing for awhile, playing oboe still feels so natural.

For the rest of the evening Ben and I grabbed dinner before going to see the new X-men movie. It was a nice easy going evening before, I have to start studying again.

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