Monday, November 10, 2014

Hard Goodbyes

Sunday November 2, 2014

My last time in church. I was very tired going into the service but I woke up as soon as it began. It was a good last service. The hardest part was saying good-bye to everyone at the end. I cried a lot. I went to Café Lava with the Crofts, Sonia and Alex. Hot chocolate always makes everything better!

I went back to uni with the intentions of taking a nap before packing. I ended up not being able to sleep so I just began to pack. Nick was in town to catch up with people and he stopped in to say goodbye to me. We talked for a few hours first! He and his family gave me beautiful Australian opals, plant oil soap, and a couple Australian books. I was floored at their generosity. I truly have been so blessed to meet such a great family. Needless to say, I was crying a lot when Nick left.

 He loves his shirt!



Then I had to pack. Josh came to pick up some food before he headed to Terang for work. I had to have all my things moved by the next morning. He offered to pick up some more on the way back. I thought that was a good idea otherwise I was not going to pack. Chris and Jackie also made sure I packed. After I finished packing 1.5 bags, I was done. I would just finish the rest in the morning. Then we all headed over to NRAS to hang out. I said more goodbyes and cried some more. I was thankful that I had to meet Josh otherwise I would have been there all night crying with my friends. Josh, Chris, and I talked for awhile before Josh took some of my things to Becks. It was really good to just relax and laugh before going to bed.

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