Saturday, August 2, 2014

Let it snow!

Tuesday July 28th, 2014

It was a normal school day. I got up and went to the gym and then started to work on some homework before class. I am the only American in my Tuesday class and the lecturer likes to pick on me. After class I hung out with some of my friends before getting ready for Ben's Dad (David) birthday dinner. I went with Ben and his family to restaurant in town. It was delicious. Of course, the best part of the night was dessert.

Salted Carmel cheesecake

 Death by chocolate

David and his sundae 

After dinner, I went with Bettina and Ben to see the planet of the Apes movie. It was really good!

Wednesday July 29, 2014

Today was the crazy day for our experiment beginning at 9am we had to check our brine shrimp every hour. We ran into a few hitches... all our shrimp dying due to one of the steps in the procedure, but we were able to use some shrimp from other people. Unfortunately, I got a migraine later in the afternoon and was  miserable for the rest of the day, but I was able to make it to class and do my experiment. 

Our wonderful janky set up

Thursday July 30th, 2014

I still had a headache when I woke up in the morning. The weather was terribly. We had a storm that had extremely strong winds and monsoon rains. It explained my headache but it was a horrible day for it since I was in class all day. I made it through and got a free lunch too. When classes were finally over I went to sleep for awhile before getting things ready for Paige's going away party. It was a lot of fun! Many of them ended up going downtown but I headed to bed to rest up for the next day.

Friday August 1st, 2014

It was a early start to the morning. I weather was too bad for Ben an I to go whale watching. I am sure the whales were far away from Warrnambool anyhow. The swell was supposed to be 20ft the night before. I had to dress warm though because we were headed to the Pyrenees for wine tasting and there was a chance for snow.  

The first winery we went to... we tried close to 20 wines

Dalwinne... beautiful site even with the rain

By the time we got to Warrenmang... I needed some lunch. We had amazing food before going and tasting the wines. 

While we were doing the wine tasting it started to snow! I don't think I have been this excited about snow in 10 years! I was melting very quickly but I tried to get a picture.

 The snow up in the hills.

Then we headed to a smaller winery.

Last but not least. This one was probably one of my favourites! Plus it was absolutely beautiful!

I was exhausted by the time we started heading back. I could not keep my eyes open and Ben got this lovely snapshot. I will never live this down. 

When we got back to Warrnambool, Ben made dinner and then we watched the Commonwealth games with his family. Diving was on so that was exciting to watch. I had to get back to uni relatively early to check on my brine shrimp before heading to bed. By the time my head hit my pillow I was asleep.

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